
가로 네비게이션

16 9월, 2013

한국의 디저트 (Korean desserts series) : 떡 (Ddeok/rice cake)

Hey guys :D

It's 2nd post of series, KNOREA.

So, we are going to get known about Korean desserts
: 떡[ddeok/rice cake]

Here's the Menu that you've already seen.

So, Let's start~ from 떡 catergory.

가래떡 : Rice cake in bar shape [Garae-ddeok]

It's original and normal version, kind of ddeok.
it doesn't have any flavor, only steamed rice flavor.
So, when we eat it, we always eat it with honey or salt&sesame oil.

가래떡 is also used when it cooked in 떡볶이(Tteokbokki) with it sliced.
Or 가래떡 in small version, :p

시루떡 : Steamed rice cake with adzuki beans [Siru-ddeok]

In korea, mostly, 시루떡 symbolizes "La fete".
Because since past, Korean people has made it when there was a party or festival.
So, also in this time, you can see it in birthday party (in fact, for elders :D)
and in big festival like 개막식 (Gaemaksik / Opening ceremony).

Moreover.. I think it's just a korean custom.
When you move in new village, especially new apartment,
Korean people gives it to neighbor as present.

I don't know why we should prepare only 시루떡.
Just korean custom lol..

인절미 : Mashed steamed rice in cake with bean flour [injeolmi]

As you can see, it is covered by bean flour.
Bean flour is 콩가루[Kong-garu] in korean.
Garu means flour, and Kong, means actually bean.

Before we cover it in bean flour,
we mashed the steamed rice used with 떡메 (Ddeokme / a rice cake mallet).

So, Now you can see how korean people mashes steamed rice.
인절미 means only kind of ddeok in this version, made used by 떡메.

Because of Mashing, The Starch of rice is changed into like maltose.
Therefore, It's getting sweeter than the steamed rice itself.

송편 : Half-moon shaped ddeok with honey [Songpyeon]

Songpyeon is soooo popular to everyone, but mostly the kids.

First, we make it in half-moon shaped.
then, we add some sugar into 송편.
So, when it is steamed, we eat it.

Making shape first, is different with injeolmi and siru-ddeok's recipe.

Sometimes, it has not only honey (melted sugar) : Sweet adzuki bean paste and sesame.

Recently, some people makes it adding chocolate into the 송편.
Probably, for young people :D

경단 : Boiled rice cake [Gyeongdan]

It's my favorite Ddeok ever.

In many ddeok's recipe, the steaming is the most important.
But, on the other hand, 경단 is made as it boiled.

So, I think because of boiling, 경단 is more soft and tastes sweeter.

Most of 경단, is made with Sweet adzuki bean.
(it called 단팥[Danpat]. 단[dan] = sweet / 팥[pat] = adzuki beans)

<!!> How to make 단팥?
: 단팥 is made by boiling with lots of sugar.
It looks like Jam in adzuki beans version.

Nowadays, Korean people recreates Ddeok so modern for that everyone can enjoy it.

There are modern 경단, with chocolate&peanut(left) and strawberry flovors(right).

When you don't like 팥[pat/adzuki beans], it will be a great solution.

백설기 : Steamed white rice cake [Baekseolgi]

When you make siru-ddeok without adzuki beans, It isn't Siru-ddeok.
Exactly, we call it 백설기.

백설 means actually "White like snow".
So, in korea, The snow white is called 백설공주[Baekseol gongju]
공주 is a princess.

You can taste steamed ddeok's own flavor through eating 백설기.

무지개떡 : Rainbow ddeok [Mujigae-ddeok]

I think you thought that "What's the rainbow ddeok? so odd!"

무지개 is actually rainbow in korean.
But, it is never associated with rainbow.

Just their visual, looks like rainbow as having many colors,
So it is called 무지개떡.

I think you guys can't explain
"What's the differences of taste between 백설기 and 무지개떡?"
You know, also, I can't do that lol...
just different colors, That's all.

But, when you see the Baekseolgi in many colors, you should say "Oh, It's 무지개떡."

How was that?
Did you get an interesting information?

I hope that it can help you, enjoying Knorea.

Thanks for reading :D

10 8월, 2013

한국의 디저트 (Korean desserts series) : 차 (cha/tea)

Hey guys! The 2nd subject of KNOREA is Korean desserts.
Have you ever been in Korea?
or Have you seen those desserts before on Korean movies or dramas?

So from now, We are going to learn about Korean desserts.
Actually, It's just not for tips of tourism.

We would be Known about Korean culture, right? :D

Here's a Menu, but not existed in real lol..
In Korea, There's so many desserts like in your country as you know.
But, these desserts, choosing considered of popoularity to people all over the world
, are that you should eat when you visit korea.

For U guys, especially, I added the traditional desserts category like Ddeok n' jeontong-gwaja.

Just for your wide acknowledge about Korean desserts culture.

So, Let's see one by one.
From 차 category :)

<녹차(Nok-cha) : Green tea>

Many korean people loves nok-cha.
They make it so cold, then they enjoy to drink it. especially teens and youth.
Recently, they use this Nok-cha flour in many dishes and also desserts.
for example, Nokcha Ice cream and Nokcha cake or muffin.

left : Dunggule cha / right : Bori cha

<둥굴레차(Dunggule cha) : Tea of Solomon's seal>

Usually, We drink it instead of the mineral or sparkling water.
Yeah, for after meal and every day life.
Dunggule cha smells like 보리차(Bori-cha).
But, Dunggule cha has more light flavor than Bori cha.

<보리차(Bori-cha) : Barley tea>
It also uses instead of mineral water, the water for every day life.
Generally, in refrigerator of the ordinary korean house,
there's 1 or 2 bottles of bori-cha though they has the water purifier.
I don't know why it is.

I think It's just culture to korean mothers for
purpose to keep their kids healthy as they drink this cha.
Bori cha helps a digestive process actively
and also protect from diarrhea and high fever.
Driking dunggule cha is obviously great for the skin.

<오미자차(Omijacha) : tea of schisandra chinensis>

It's my favorite tea among all the korean tea.
Commonly, People makes Omijacha cold and then drink it.
Omija tastes like berries and cherries,
but it has more light flavor than berries and has own scent.
I can't explain that, I think you have to drink it, if you want to know this flavor.

Omija has so necessary nutrition for men.
It helps your stamina and protect it from wasting it away.

<유자차(Yujacha) : Citron tea>

Yuja is kind of Orange and lemon, But, we never eat it raw.
People only use it for tea.
Mixing with sugar and honey, so when it gets sticky like jam,
then we drink it as putting them into the hot water.

Yujacha tastes like boiled Lemonade :)
But, It's more sweet and It has less sourness than lemonade or orange juice.

When you see the Yujacha-mix in the bottle,
you might think that "it's lemon jam.".

Don't eat it to spread on slices of bread! lol
You just have to prepare hot water :D

<율무차(Yulmucha) : Job's-tears tea >

Korean people loves yulmucha.
Because of its sweet, aromatic and nutty flavor.
You can find it so easy.
The most easy way to find it, is "Find Tea vending machine!".
In korea, there's so many vending machine.
Most of those, the vending machines, are "Tea vending machine".
....What? How does it work?

If you find like this machine, then you choose what you want to drink.
then you put the coins like all the vending machine.

Finally, it makes Tea or coffee, just in 1 minutes less.

Many tea vending machine is called 커피 자판기(keopi japangi/coffee vending machine),
Definitely, Because Most beverages sold from that are kind of COFFEE.

When you walk in the street or enter any building,
you could find it so easy.
and Moreover, In the tourism bus also. :)
Maybe in there, Small sized one is placed.

<홍차(Hongcha) : Black tea, or just Tea>

Hongcha is not original tea in korea.
But, Most korean people loves it so much.

When you want to order in the Korean cafe,
If you say "홍차 주세요. (Hongcha juseyo. / Hongcha please.)",
then they make and bring the HOT black tea.

But, When you want to drink Cold version,
You have to say "아이스티 주세요. (Ice tea juseyo. / Iced tea please.)".

In korea, There are so popular 2 kind of flavor of Iced tea,
It's lemon and peach.

So when you order Iced tea, you should say with their flavor.

레몬 아이스티 주세요. (Lemon Ice tea juseyo. / Iced tea with lemon flavor please.)

복숭아 아이스티 주세요. (Bok-sung-a Ice tea juseyo. / Iced tea with peach flavor please.)

How was it?

It's helpful to enjoy your korean desserts?

In next, Ddeok n' jeontong gwaja edition will be followed.

Enjoy your own way to get known Korea~

Thank you for reading :D

13 7월, 2013

한국의 교육제도 (Education system in Korea)

So, In this series, KNOREA, you can learn korean culture and society.
The 1st topic is Education system in Korea.
You know, Korean education is so integrated and little compulsory.

First, Let's look at this picture above.
In elementary school, There are so few subjects.
For self-directed learning, in elementary school, there's placed simple schedule.
But, Sadly, Most parents force them to go to the academies for extra-curriculums.

So, next is middle school.

In korea, Most middle school are teached only for entrance to the High school.

But, Not just for studying.

M.S try to help improving their specialized ability to each student.

so, They can enter the high schools where they want to go.

In some cases, like 국제중학교 (Gukje-junghakgyo/International middle school),

Students who want to enter the h.s abroad are teached Foreign languages intensively.


** There's a misspelling in Mungwa catergory.

: the romanized pronounciation of 사회문화 is actually [Sahoe-munhwa], Not [Saheo].

Last, There are so many specific subjects in Korean high school.
But, they can't choose all the subject as they want.
There's the cases of choice by rules of each high school.
And moreover, there's not teachers enough for teaching all subjects in schools.

So, they have to choose among 2~5 subjects that have the teachers of the subjects in each catergory.

There are many types of high school.


인문계 고등학교 [Inmungye godeung-hakgyo] : High school for studies

자립형 사립 고등학교 [Jariphyeong Sarip godeung-hakgyo] : Independent private high school
(from ministry of education)

자립형 공립 고등학교 [Jariphyeong Gongrip godeung-hakgyo] : Independent public high school
(from ministry of education)

<For skills>

공업 고등학교 [Gong-eop godeung-hakgyo] : High school for the industries

상업 고등학교 [Sang-eop godeung-hakgyo] : High school for the commerce


외국어 고등학교 [Oegugeo godeung-hakgyo] : Foreign language high school

과학 고등학교 [Gwahak godeung-hakgyo] : Science high school

예술 고등학교 [Yeh-sul godeung-hakgyo] : High school for arts

체육 고등학교 [Cheyuk godeung-hakgyo] : High school for physical studies

마이스터 고등학교 [Meister godeung-hakgyo] : High school for cultivating Masters in each skills

In korea, there are a test for having certification of high school to student who leaves school.

It's called 검정고시 [Geomjeong gosi].

If you pass this 검정고시 test, you can have certification of high school as graduating.

But, Korean society doesn't acknowledge the 검정고시 testers as real high school graduaters.

Definitely, There's a discrimination.

However, fortunately, the acknowledge from society is getting better nowadays.

Thank you for reading :)

27 6월, 2013

Enjoyinje In VISUAL

이 블로그는 인제이든의 네이버 블로그 Enjoy-inje the Central의 연동 블로그입니다.
In VISUAL 의 이름에 걸맞게
 보다 눈으로 즐길 수 있는 외국어 학습자료를 만들고
 이를 공유하고자 합니다. ^^
외국어를 정말 사랑해서 시작한 블로그인 만큼,
 저처럼 외국어를 사랑하는 분들께
 외국어 공부를 하는데 있어 작게나마 도움이 되었으면 하네요~
Hello guys, This blog is my 2nd blog and it's associated with 1st blog : Enjoy-inje the Central
To its name 'In VISUAL',
I want to make the learning materials for method of learning 'VISUAL',
And to share these only for improving languages to each other, to All you guys.
Because I really love the foreign languages, I start to run it.
Therefore, I hope so that it helps people who loves the languages like me, although it's a little help :D
Thank you.
Bonjour à tous, Ce blog est mon deuxième blog, et C'est en prise sur mon première blog : Enjoy-inje the Central
Pour le nom de 'In VISUAL',
Je veux fabriquer les plusieurs données de l'étude pour méthode d'apprendre 'VISUAL',
Et puis, aussi partager ça pour seulement améliorer les langues à chacun, à vous.
Car j'adore les langues étrangères passionément, Je commence tenir ça.
Alors, Je souhaite qu'il va aider les gens qui aiment les langues comme moi, lors même qu'il est l'aide petite. 
Merci à vous.